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What CBD Labels Tell the Consumer


CBD is a super popular ingredient in literally thousands of products, but because these products are not regulated, many companies try to get away without labeling them properly. Labeling is important because it helps people keep themselves safe when they are taking CBD. Here are some tips to look for on a product label in order to make sure you know exactly what—and how much—you are taking.

What Should Be on a CBD Product Label?

CBD Dosage

You should always know how much CBD is in the product you consume. While there are almost no negative responses to taking too much CBD, you will still want to see how much you are using and how it is helping. Most CBD product labels show how many milligrams of CBD are in the entire product, not necessarily in the serving size.

THC Content

In order to be legally sold, any product with hemp or CBD in it must have the THC concentration on the label. The concentration of THC must be under 0.3 percent in states where recreational marijuana is illegal, but in states where it is fully legal, you can get any range of THC levels in your product.

Other Ingredients List

If your CBD product has any other ingredients in it, those should be listed on the label just like they would be for any other supplement. This is helpful for those with allergies to other products. It is especially important when CBD is included in food, drinks or any sort of vapable product, as those are often the products that include other allergens.

What Shouldn’t Be On a CBD Product Label?

The one thing that should never be on the label of a CBD product is medical claims. CBD is still being studied and thus, nothing has been proven in a scientific capacity. Because CBD products are not FDA approved, these claims are actually illegal to include. Please be wary of any company that includes medical or scientific claims on its product label, as they may not be truthful about other things.

What Should You Watch Out For?

CBD can help a lot of people with all kinds of issues, but it can also cause issues for you if you aren’t careful. Before taking CBD products in any form, you should absolutely talk to your doctor.

Like with anything you put in or on your body, it has the possibility to cause medical issues where you wouldn’t expect them. CBD is derived from industrial hemp, a type of grass, which means that it can cause issues on its own for those with grass allergies.

Anyone who takes medications for seizures, sleep issues, or anxiety might also find that they see changes to the way their medications affect them. This can be hugely problematic because many of those medications are lifesaving. To make sure that you know exactly what could happen if you take it, clear it with your doctor first and do your own research.

Article written for Century Label by Mary Linden

The Rise of Cannabis-Infused Beer Against Adversity

The-Rise-of-Cannabis-Infused Beer-Against-Adversity.jpg

As governments slowly lift marijuana restrictions, cannabis innovators look for new ways to normalize the plant. The introduction of cannabis-infused beer faced backlash not only from the government, but from the beer industry as well. The first innovators to break ground in the market of cannabis-infused beer have straddled the line between federal and state regulation of cannabis products and alcohol, facing adversity from all angles including the cannabis industry, the beer industry and all levels of government. Ultimately, the cannabis-infused beer crafters are striving to legitimize cannabis to many different parts of society.

Problems with Public Perception

While Americans have gradually become more accepting of cannabis overall in recent years, many are staunchly opposed to the push for recreational cannabis legalization and believe the only legitimacy of cannabis resides in its medicinal applications. Others believe that cannabis is objectively less harmful than alcohol and therefore should not face such stringent legal barriers considering the legal status of alcohol.

Creating New Products in the Face of Stringent Legislation

Cannabis-infused beers present unique challenges to brewers on many fronts. Federal law prohibits the sale of any mixture of alcohol and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so brewers must ensure any cannabis used in the brewing process does not contain THC. Many beverage makers seeking to create THC-infused drinks have turned to nonalcoholic beverages like sparkling water, juice, and tea, while cannabis-infused beer brewers have turned to using different cannabis byproducts in their alcoholic beers.

Some brewers, like Keith Villa, inventor of the wildly popular Blue Moon Pale Ale, have started developing recipes for nonalcoholic beer infused with low doses of THC. Grainwave, the first of its kind from Ceria Beverages, hit store shelves in Colorado in December of 2018. Other notable brewers in years past faced legal trouble for experimenting with cannabis-infused beverages, including Lagunitas, which was raided by the California Alcohol Control Board in 2005 for “disorderly house,” and Dad & Dude’s Breweria, which produced the first commercial CBD-infused beer that led to a 2016 legal battle over the beverage, dubbed General Washington’s Secret Stash in an homage to the hemp-growing first President of the United States.

RELATED ARTICLE: The History of Cannabis-Infused Craft Beer

The Push for Legitimacy is a Long Game

Some of the harshest scrutiny facing brewers of cannabis-infused beer comes from the craft brewing community. While these brewers generally strive to create beers with cannabis byproducts that can stand on their own regardless of CBD or THC content, many other craft brewers see the push for cannabis additives in beer as nothing but a gimmick. For example, the Boston Beer Company, the largest craft brewery in the US and makers of the Sam Adams brand, warned in 2016 that THC and CBD-infused beers could devastate the craft beer market and advised consumers not to support those brewers experimenting with cannabis-infused beer. However, a recent survey from the Brewers’ Association reported that craft beer brewers responded overwhelmingly that they planned to experiment with cannabis-infused beer in the near future.

Century Label understands the challenges facing brewers of cannabis-infused beer in the US. Our experience with custom label design can help ensure full compliance at the local, state, and federal level with readable, beautifully designed product labels. Contact us to learn more about Century Label’s services for cannabis-infused beer labeling.

Age-Appropriate Labeling for the CBD Industry


Though the CBD industry is becoming more mainstream, labeling for such products can be tricky.

CBD product support is growing among American legislators, but one of the main talking points used against cannabis law reform and the proliferation of CBD products is the potential to unintentionally entice children. Certain products targeted at millennials and young adults could also draw the attention of underage individuals.

This concern has motivated many legislators to enact stricter requirements for the labeling of CBD products.

The Importance of Appropriate CBD Product Labels

Due to the relatively recent push for acceptance of cannabis-based products in the U.S., most state legislatures have enacted strict requirements that all CBD product manufacturers must follow. Typically, these laws require careful testing of all CBD products and labeling that includes batch number, concentration, ingredients and scannable QR codes that can report that product’s individual testing results during the manufacturing process. These requirements aim to increase transparency and limit the risk of abuse, especially by younger people who may feel enticed by attractive packaging.

CBD product developers must not only meet state and federal labeling requirements but also develop attractive packaging that appeals to the consumer. Ultimately, companies that sell CBD products need to develop packaging that conveys value and reliability while including all required information.

Developing the Perfect CBD Product Labels for Your Brand

The growing CBD product market presents incredible opportunities to product developers but also significant challenges. Two of the most commonly cited challenges include compliance with labeling requirements and developing packaging that stands out from the competition.

Century Label has nearly 40 years of experience with professional custom labeling for consumer products, and we use a multifaceted design and production process to ensure every customer order is completely accurate every time. We understand how difficult it can be to navigate CBD product labeling laws (which vary from state to state), and our team works closely with every client to help develop the ideal compliant CBD product packaging.

CBD product packaging needs to not only stand out, but also include all legally-required product information. Contact Century Label today to learn more about our cannabis product labeling services and let us help you develop the perfect labels for your CBD products.

How to Make Your CBD Products Stand Out


Custom CBD labels have much to balance – they must be industry compliant, target the right audience and clearly display what the product is. Thanks to legislative changes across the country in recent years, the CBD industry is booming, and new product innovators are looking for ways to get their CBD products on store shelves and in the hands of customers. One of the most important decisions to make when launching a product line of CBD goods is labeling, and Century Label has the experience and tools to help you craft winning branded product packaging and labels.

Elements of a Good CBD Product Label

CBD and other products made from industrial hemp or marijuana must meet strict regulatory requirements. In addition, some CBD product manufacturers will include identifying information on the label, such as intended uses, possible side effects, and safety warnings. The Food and Drug Administration and other government oversight agencies decide which information must appear on a CBD product label, so manufacturers must start their packaging design process by including that required information on the product label.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Importance of CBD Compliant Labels

Once the legal end of the labeling process is sorted out, the next step is to make sure the products are eye-catching and convey value to potential customers. CBD products have generated a highly competitive market, and shelf visibility is needed for a brand to succeed.

An attractive design that doesn’t cross the threshold of being garish is key; an attractive label that naturally draws attention – not something obtrusive that forces you to notice it – is ideal. Modern consumers expect quality, transparency, and value in their purchases, and this must be the main focus in a competitive market like CBD products.

How Century Label Can Help

At Century Label, we start with a personalized customer service session to fully understand the wants and needs of our customers for their CBD product labeling. We can meet with regulatory departments to determine which bits of information must be placed on the labels, and then we hand our preliminary plans to the design team. Our designers will work closely with the brand owners to determine the best color options, typefaces, and packaging types for the product line.

Guarantee high-quality compliant packaging and labeling for your CBD product with Century Label. Contact us for more information or to get started today.

The Importance of CBD Compliant Labels

The 2018 Farm Bill classifies industrial hemp as an acceptable crop instead of part of the umbrella classification of “marijuana,” a controlled substance. With this reclassification, labeling plays a major role in the marketing of CBD products. Unlike other industries, compliance for labeling is a crucial step for CBD retail. To ensure that labeling both targets the right audience and is government compliant, it’s best to work with a personalized team.


CBD Label Compliance

Companies hoping to capitalize on the booming CBD product market must take care to ensure their product labels meet the strict requirements set forth by the federal government. Failure to adhere to these standards could not only compromise future business operations, but it may even lead to fines and other legal penalties. At Century Label, we use state-of-the-art custom label making technology to ensure that CBD product labels do not just look great, but also conform to all applicable regulations.

Companies that manufacture and sell any type of CBD product must ensure their product conforms to acceptable definitions under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. For example, the FDA takes the position that CBD does not qualify as a dietary supplement, so CBD products cannot be labeled as dietary supplements or similar products.

How Century Label Can Help With Compliant CBD Labels

With over 40 years of professional labeling experience, Century Label has the tools and experience to help achieve full compliance with all applicable CBD regulations.

Century Label starts with personalized customer service. We will take the time to get to know your companies, brands and products. We can also meet with in-house regulatory teams to ensure full compliance with all product labels. Our design team takes over the next phase, and our experienced designers will help capture the essence of the brand in attractive and fully compliant product labels.

Once we have finalized designs, our color management team will help ensure the finished product matches the vision of the company’s marketing team, all while ensuring required label information is fully visible, legible and complete. The final phase is our precision printing process, which uses the most current digital printing.

To ensure your CBD product labels are attractive and fully compliant with the new regulations, contact Century Label today to learn more about our processes and see how our team can help with your CBD product labeling.

How to Make Sure Your CBD and Hemp Product Labels are Compliant


The newest version of the farm bill, which was signed into law in December 2018, has legalized industrial hemp and hemp related products by removing them from the Controlled Substances Act. As a result, more hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) products have hit the shelves than ever before, even in some states where they were previously considered illegal.

Even so, there are some restrictions on these products enacted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Learn more about potential labeling restrictions and make sure your products comply with these restrictions.

FDA Labeling Restrictions

Even though the latest farm bill has lifted this heavy restriction, the FDA’s specific restrictions regarding the labeling of hemp and CBD products are still largely unknown, and there will likely not be a resolution anytime soon. Due to this ambiguity, several companies involved in the creation and distribution of these products will likely play it safe and adhere to the FDA’s labeling requirements on dietary supplements.

Contents of a Compliant Label

A dietary supplement label that is compliant with FDA regulations generally contains the following components, which must abide by their appropriate format:

  • An identity statement that simply indicates what the product is (such as “dietary supplement” or “botanical supplement”)

  • An accurate statement about the net quantity—usually in weight, measure or a numerical count

  • A list of the ingredients in the product, starting with the ingredient with the largest weight value

  • The name and business location of the product’s manufacturer or distributor

  • The nutritional information and details of the product presented in the standard format known as “Nutrition Facts” and “Supplement Facts”

Most importantly, CBD and hemp companies must never claim that their product provides health benefits or cures to prominent medical conditions. The FDA will consider products that make these claims as drugs for human use, and they will go through the formal drug approval process.

How to Create Compliant Labeling

To stay compliant with the FDA, consider these elements when designing the labels of your hemp or CBD product:

  • Ingredient Levels. The consumers will seek out CBD and other related ingredients to treat numerous conditions. Inform them of the accurate levels of CBD and other ingredients the product has so they can make informed decisions.

  • Serving Size. Let the consumers know about the recommended amount of the product for use. This demonstrates transparency and ensures customer safety.

  • Producer Name and Brand. Establish trust with the customer and promote your brand by providing information about your company.

Guarantee high-quality compliant packaging and labeling for the cannabis industry with Century Label. Contact us for more information or to get started today.

The History of Cannabis-Infused Craft Beer


Over the past few months, the concept of cannabis-infused beer has seen some developments that place the innovative drink in a large spotlight. You might get the impression that it was developed within the last couple of years, however the concept of introducing cannabis to beer dates back at least a decade. This new beverage has an interesting history that has led to its growing rise in popularity   

What Is Cannabis-Infused Craft Beer?

A cannabis-infused beer is, essentially, a beer brewed with barley and infused with marijuana oil. This should not be confused with cannabis-brewed beers, which substitute barley with the unused parts of the cannabis plant, like stems, stalks, and roots. Both drinks are non-alcoholic and aim to create similar effects without the drawbacks of a hangover. 

Hops and Cannabis

Before formal attempts to combine cannabis and beer, there was a connection between the two from 27 million years ago. The beer-related plant humulus lupulus (hops) and cannabis sativa (cannabis) were once the same plant. They are now different species with contrasting uses that did not meet until recently. 

Lagunitas Raid

In 2005, California brewery Lagunitas was raided by the Alcohol Beverage Control agency when it found employees smoking marijuana. In order to commemorate the raid, Lagunitas created a special craft beer inspired by marijuana, though with no cannabis-related ingredients in it. This event inspired the brewery to create more cannabis beer products years later. 

Dad & Dude’s First CBD Beer  

Colorado-based Dad & Dudes Breweria came up with the first two beers that included CBD oil in them, Sativa IPA and Indica Double IPA, in 2015. Both beers had short runs in the brewery due to restrictions imposed in December 2016, which inspired the brewery to fight for legalization of cannabis. 

Wiz Khalifa Joins In

The biggest mainstream exposure of cannabis-infused beer came in April 2016, when rapper Wiz Khalifa announced a line of cannabis-infused drinks, including beer, juice, and carbonated drinks. Despite the popularity, Wiz has not released any products to this date. 

Keith Villa Announces Ceria Beverages

After failed attempts and close calls by numerous companies, Blue Moon founder Keith Villa announced the start of Ceria Beverages—the first major company dedicated to cannabis-infused beers—in March 2018. These products contain THC instead of CBD oil that provide the effects without alcohol drawbacks. 

First US THC and CBD-Infused Drinks

Cannabiniers, a California edibles company, beat Villa to the punch in July 2018 by releasing a line of non-alcoholic brews with both THC and CBD oil to its home state and Nevada. At the same time, Lagunitas, backed by Heineken, released non-alcoholic THC sparkling drinks, the first major release of cannabis-infused drinks. 

As restrictions continue to loosen and new innovations occur in the field, cannabis-infused beers will continue to evolve and reach larger markets.  

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Promote Your Cannabis-Infused Craft Beer Brand

Your Brand is Our Business - Let’s Get Started

The design team at Century Label is ready to help you take your vision and apply it to your craft beer packaging. We will take you through every step of the process, preserving the integrity of your brand and using high-quality printing techniques.

Our customer care specialists are standing by to make sure every order is exactly the way you imagined it, ensuring your satisfaction. Request a quote today to get started on your own quest for craft beer marketing success.

How to Promote Your Cannabis-Infused Craft Beer Brand


As more and more states legalize marijuana, interest in hybrid products has exploded, fueling a significant jump in the number of cannabis-infused treats on the market today. Perhaps none of them, however, capture the youthful, laid-back vibe of cannabis itself like cannabis-infused craft beers. Companies in states where marijuana is legal have jumped at the opportunity to market an alcohol-free, cannabis-infused beer that produces the relaxation consumers of both beer and cannabis covet, without the potential for a hangover.

If you’ve created your own cannabis/beer infusion, you’ve created a unique product at the beginning of a trend. Your packaging should reflect this, while making you stand out from the others. To create the youthful, fun vibe you need, consider elements from both the craft beer and cannabis industries:

The Leaf – Consider the Standby

When most of us consider the image marijuana had years ago, nothing stands out more than the traditional green marijuana leaf. Numerous cannabis companies still use the five-pointed leaf in various styles from campy to classy. While it’s come a long way from its original place on blacklight-activated posters in college dorm rooms, you can continue the hip trend marijuana edibles have been following and use a sleek, modernized version. Or, consider hearkening back to the funky, psychedelic origins many of us are familiar with. 

Crisp White Cans

A current trend in craft beer is the all-white can with minimalistic branding and product information. Across a few different brands, the primary designator of the type of beer included in the can is a lone block of color that makes up the actual logo itself. Of course, green is the traditional color used in cannabis marketing, and a stark white can with green branding sends the “fresh” and “cannabis” messaging effectively. 

Natural Could Be Best

Natural has always been a staple of the cannabis branding community, and cannabis-infused beer is no different. In fact, primary consumers of both products tend to enjoy the outdoors. Consider a full-scale printed photo of a natural feature, the use of earth tones, and natural elements in your packaging.

Stand Out From the Sleek

A major trend in cannabis packaging right now is aimed at garnering the attention of those wishing to incorporate marijuana into the upscale luxury lifestyle they’re already living, resulting in stark, sleek packaging that almost hides the nature of the product. Using a more youthful, colorful packaging scheme can help you stand out from other cannabis products and capture your ideal audience. 

Your product is unique, and getting it to stand out among other beer and cannabis brands alike could require the use of packaging ideas from both industries. Consider where your product will be displayed and craft a packaging scheme that will draw attention your way. 

RELATED ARTICLE: Custom Bottle Labels that Stand Out from a Crowd

Your Brand is Our Business - Let’s Get Started

The design team at Century Label is ready to help you take your vision and apply it to your craft beer labels and shrink sleeves. We will take you through every step of the process, preserving the integrity of your brand and using high-quality printing techniques.

Our customer care specialists are standing by to make sure every order is exactly the way you imagined it, ensuring your satisfaction. Request a quote today to get started on your own quest for craft beer marketing success.
