Color Management | G7 Master Facility Qualification — Century Label

CMC Group/Century Label Statement Concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are a G7® Master Qualified Facility

Your brand identifies your business to your customers and clients, to competitors, to the public at large. Your brand stands for everything you do to make your business stand out. At Century Label, we are here to ensure the color accuracy and integrity of each and every order, each and every print run.

Consistent & Repeatable Color

  • Color profiles for each substrate

  • Extended gamut printing

  • PMS color match

  • Custom or customer-supplied color match

  • Delta E tolerance of 3.0 or less

Inkjet Proofing

Century Label employs inkjet proofing as its primary proofing process. Utilizing the wide color gamut of the Epson 4900 printer and the Esko verification software tool, we are able to create true-to-size proofs, each featuring a visual indicator verifying that the proof is G7 qualified. The resulting image gives an accurate representation of your product's appearance upon final printing.

Color Management Articles
