What CBD Labels Tell the Consumer — Century Label

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What CBD Labels Tell the Consumer


CBD is a super popular ingredient in literally thousands of products, but because these products are not regulated, many companies try to get away without labeling them properly. Labeling is important because it helps people keep themselves safe when they are taking CBD. Here are some tips to look for on a product label in order to make sure you know exactly what—and how much—you are taking.

What Should Be on a CBD Product Label?

CBD Dosage

You should always know how much CBD is in the product you consume. While there are almost no negative responses to taking too much CBD, you will still want to see how much you are using and how it is helping. Most CBD product labels show how many milligrams of CBD are in the entire product, not necessarily in the serving size.

THC Content

In order to be legally sold, any product with hemp or CBD in it must have the THC concentration on the label. The concentration of THC must be under 0.3 percent in states where recreational marijuana is illegal, but in states where it is fully legal, you can get any range of THC levels in your product.

Other Ingredients List

If your CBD product has any other ingredients in it, those should be listed on the label just like they would be for any other supplement. This is helpful for those with allergies to other products. It is especially important when CBD is included in food, drinks or any sort of vapable product, as those are often the products that include other allergens.

What Shouldn’t Be On a CBD Product Label?

The one thing that should never be on the label of a CBD product is medical claims. CBD is still being studied and thus, nothing has been proven in a scientific capacity. Because CBD products are not FDA approved, these claims are actually illegal to include. Please be wary of any company that includes medical or scientific claims on its product label, as they may not be truthful about other things.

What Should You Watch Out For?

CBD can help a lot of people with all kinds of issues, but it can also cause issues for you if you aren’t careful. Before taking CBD products in any form, you should absolutely talk to your doctor.

Like with anything you put in or on your body, it has the possibility to cause medical issues where you wouldn’t expect them. CBD is derived from industrial hemp, a type of grass, which means that it can cause issues on its own for those with grass allergies.

Anyone who takes medications for seizures, sleep issues, or anxiety might also find that they see changes to the way their medications affect them. This can be hugely problematic because many of those medications are lifesaving. To make sure that you know exactly what could happen if you take it, clear it with your doctor first and do your own research.

Article written for Century Label by Mary Linden
