How to Create the Perfect Wine Label
Wine making is a niche industry. Winemakers planning to make an impression with modern wine enthusiasts need the kind of marketing and brand image that appeals to a crowd that demands quality, originality, and value. That kind of top shelf marketing necessitates a type of thoughtfulness that other kinds of alcoholic drink marketing techniques don’t require. Because of this, wine labels need to be about more than just a logo; they need to both stand as something unique and as something that exemplifies the maker’s understanding of this product.
When it comes to designing a wine label, several crucial decisions need to be made that will eventually impact every potential customer’s relationship with that brand. Winemakers also need to make several decisions solely for the safety, quality, and shelf life of the product.
Visual Design for A Wine Label
For newly developed wines, it is imperative to design a new label that conveys the brand’s identity as well as the personality of the product.
Hip, younger brands looking to develop a more sophisticated wine may need to dial back on the usual visual flair for something more polished, but do so without sacrificing brand image. Similarly, something new and lighthearted added to a more high-end line of wines might feature bolder color choices and unconventional design elements—as long as it stays consistent with the overall brand aesthetic.
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Ultimately, the visual design of a wine label comes down to brand identity. It is important to develop something that will resonate with the type of wine enthusiast the brand owner is trying to attract. Font, color palette and stylization all come down to the brand owner’s preferences for their unique brand identity.
Functional Wine Label Design
Wine labels do more than display brand imagery and report product information to the buyer. When it comes to wine, labels and bottle quality can help protect the product. For example, red wines require darker bottles to prevent oxidation from sun exposure. White wine makers bottle with clear bottles so buyers can see the purity and transparency of the product inside. A label design should flow with the type of bottle being used for the wine. For example, labels for red wine work well with darker bottles.
Request a quote today to get started on your own quest for wine label branding success.