Does Your Label Truly Enhance Your Organic Product? — Century Label

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Does Your Label Truly Enhance Your Organic Product?


People nowadays have become more passionate about their beliefs. And that is especially true of people who believe that the key to living a healthy life is to only consume natural and organic products.

To ensure that they follow their principles with zeal, they inspect everything when shopping. They check even the smallest small print and even scrutinize the image printed on product labels. If they find the tiniest hint that the packaging is not environmentally friendly, they will not buy the product even if its content is organic. This is truly a challenge to manufacturers and business owners who want to have a tighter grip on this demographic.

However, if you think about it, you can turn this into an opportunity. By just changing your packaging and label to something that "organictarians"—as they call themselves—approve of, your product's value immensely improves, leading to better sales.

The question now is this: What are the characteristics of packaging and a custom label for an organic product that will enhance the salability of your produce and merchandise?

USDA Organic Labeling Guidelines

First and foremost, your label must follow the USDA's organic labeling standards and guidelines. Know that your consumers are well versed with it, and as much as possible, be honest. If your product comprises 94% organic materials, then label it as organic and not 100-percent organic.

Tamper-Evident Seal

Consumers have a perception that organic products are cleaner than contemporary alternatives. Because of that, they will want products that are clear of any contaminants.

Having a tamper-evident seal on your product can ease their worries about dirt, fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, and toxic elements getting into their food.

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Minimalist Packaging

As much as your target demographic loves organic products, they also love the environment. Excessive packaging will appear wasteful to them, and having extravagant packaging using non-environmentally friendly materials can turn them off.

Less is more, and it is a win-win situation for you. Fewer materials means less overhead.

Use Nature-Oriented Color Schemes

According to Lorraine Dallmeier, a UK biologist, organic products with blue, green, and white color schemes in packaging and labels sell more than others. This discovery parallels with color psychology in consumerism. Wherein white conveys simplicity, green symbolizes freshness, and blue expresses dependability: three qualities that people who love organic products value.

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Rely on an Organic-Oriented Labeling Company

Those four characteristics are just a few of the things you should consider when deciding your product's packaging and label. You also need to think about the purity and source of the packaging material, the quality of the material used in the label, and the visual elements that will mesh well with your product and get your branding message across.

With an organic-oriented labeling company like Century Label, you can have a custom label for an organic productthat will comply with all of these considerations.

People have become increasingly health conscious, and they constantly make an effort to make informed decisions using information available to them in order to protect their wellbeing. You would not want them to turn down or ignore your product just because of its label and packaging.
