3 Craft Beer Trends and How They Will Impact Your Labels — Century Label

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3 Craft Beer Trends and How They Will Impact Your Labels


The craft beer industry is explosively popular and wildly interesting. Small breweries all over the country are producing unique flavors and blends never seen before, and their labeling methods are becoming as diverse and intriguing as the flavor profiles they’re developing. If you own a craft beer line and are thinking of ways to make your beers stand out from the vast number of other brewers on the market, your labeling choice could be one of your strongest selling points.

Some of the emerging trends of the craft beer market present attractive labeling opportunities. It’s a good idea to assess these trends and determine the best ways to leverage your labeling process to make your line of craft beers something exceptional.

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1. New Beer Styles Are Gaining Popularity

Brewers across the nation are branching out from typical lagers and ales. They’re exploring new brewing styles to create fresh hop beers, Franconian-style rotbier, strong pale ales both juicy and hazy, contemporary Belgian-style gueuze lambic, and many others. If you’re thinking of going with a new beer that’s out of the ordinary, you should have a labeling solution to match. Think of ways to capture your new style of beer with a label that speaks to your brand and your creative vision for the brew.

2. Non-Alcoholic Beer Is Returning

The Brewers’ Association has noted that non-alcoholic beer is gaining popularity, and this presents a fantastic opportunity to any craft brewer thinking of ways to bolster their offerings. When it comes to labeling, it’s possible to create all types of label styles that help a non-alcoholic beer stand apart from the rest while still reflecting the brewer’s brand. Simple color changes can be enough to set these offerings apart from their alcoholic counterparts.

3. Americans Are Getting More Experimental

The cannabis industry has seen tremendous growth across the nation, and cannabis-infused beverages are just one example of how this industry is reshaping American consumption habits. Beer brewers have not only capitalized on this trend by crafting CBD-infused beers and specialty brews made with cannabis, but also other alternatives to typical beer. The craft beer industry has grown so expansive that even non-drinkers are taking an interest and looking for options to standard beers. The sheer number of possibilities opens a whole new world of labeling options, and a unique labeling solution can help an exclusive line of alternative beers stand out in surprising ways.

RELATED ARTICLE: Know the Label Options for Craft Beer

These three trends are signs that the craft beer market isn’t going anywhere, and will likely continue to grow at an incredible pace over the next several years. This means that new brewers face an incredibly competitive market, and the need for creative branding solutions is more significant than it has ever been before. Labeling your new beers can help you stand out in this competitive niche, reach out to non-drinkers, or emphasize the uniqueness of your line of craft beers in surprisingly effective ways.

Century Label has more than 40 years of experience providing professional product labeling services, and we offer a wide range of labeling options ideal for any line of craft beers. Whether you want to create a cohesive vision for your brand that extends across every variety you create or wish to make a unique statement with every type of beer you brew, we can help.

Contact us today for more information about the craft beer labeling solutions we offer.
