Century Label’s Sustainability and Quality Initiatives — Century Label

CMC Group/Century Label Statement Concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Century Label’s Sustainability and Quality Initiatives

At Century Label, we remain aware and vigilant about reducing potential negative impacts on the world from our manufacturing and warehousing operations.

For this reason, we have developed and are consistently striving to expand Century Label’s TEAM ECO-DRIVE program–with the mission of building a culture of sustainability among our leadership, employees and vendor partners. Our goal is to make continuous environmental improvements in our processes, while delivering the highest level of customer satisfaction.

We have implemented a sustainability dashboard that tracks our efforts in several areas:

Energy Conservation:

We save electricity by using Light Emitting Diode (LED), Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs, and motion sensors in all facilities. We further conserve energy by turning off piped in music during non-business hours, and turning down hot water temperatures to 115°F (vs. 120°F). Climate control efforts include setting work area temperatures at 68°F in cold weather and 76°F in warm weather. We have also improved ventilation to assist the cooling of our buildings in summer.

Facility Consciousness:

For the maintenance of our buildings, we have specified the use of green cleaning agents; eliminated all chemicals and non-recycled mulch in our landscaping; eliminated salt in favor of sand for ice safety; and ensured all appliances used in our commercial kitchen and cafes are Energy Star rated.

Recycling Program:

We consistently recycle all inks, corrugated packaging, office paper, batteries, glass, plastic and metal; and recycle or reuse all pallets. Further, we have implemented a paperless, online pay stub program for employees. In less than two years’ time, we have limited monthly trash to less than 20 tons per month (vs. 25 tons per month, prior to this initiative), and have eliminated all pallets going to the landfill.


Green Products:

Steve Ashkin, of the Ashkin Group, has independently reviewed the results from accredited independent third-party testing laboratories, including Bureau Veritas and IPS Testing, for Century Label’s water-soluble label stock (sold under the brand names: DissolveMark™ and SmartSolve®). Testing confirmed the material passed the following tests designed to address specific product performance issues and to identify potential adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Those tests included:

  • Slosh Box Disintegration Test method criteria. - FG502 (flushability)

  • Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) - absence of lead & phthalates

  • Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (formerly CONEG) – heavy metals

In addition, Century Label’s water-soluble label materials have been and continue to be screened for restricted substances and other substances of high concern for human and/or environmental health against numerous lists derived from national and international authoritative bodies including:

  • US Environmental Protection Agency. Consolidated list of chemicals subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), Section 112(4) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), National Center for Environmental Assessment, and the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Database and Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

  • US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  • US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Toxicology Program (NTP)

  • EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

  • EU Regulation on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures

  • EU List of Chemicals and their assigned GHS Hazard Statement (GHS)

  • California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act Of 1986 (CA Prop 65)

  • International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

  • Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC)

Based on information supplied by NSF, there were no ingredients included in the water-soluble label stock materials that were found to be of concern.


Environmental & Quality Certifications:

Century Label meets Forest Steward Council (FSC) Forest Management and Chain of Custody Certification requirements for the production and distribution of labels and paper using the transfer system. We are Chain of Custody certified to sell products as FSC Mix, FSC Recycled (Certificate Code: SCS-COC-005745; Trademark License Code: FSC-C132204).

FSC is the most rigorous international standard for responsible forestry. FSC certified forests conserve biological diversity, water resources and crucial ecosystems. The FSC standard also upholds worker rights and supports economic prosperity in surrounding communities. The FSC Chain of Custody certification ensures that certified wood products are tracked from forest to final product, and, if applicable, that qualified recycled materials are used, adding legitimacy to the FSC claim throughout the supply chain.

Century Label is GMP certified (Certificate No. 10532) as a manufacturer of printed labels for the food service industry. According to the Institute of Food Research, GMP—or Good Manufacturing Practice—is “a system to ensure that products meet food safety, quality and legal requirements.”

With the certification, Century Label is increasingly more effective at responding to changing regulations and customer requirements within the consumables industry. Century Label is also now SQF (Safe Quality Food) Level 3 certified (Certificate No. 16114) as a manufacturer of printed labels and shrink sleeves for the food packaging industry. SQF Level 3 is a GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) approved scheme with a quality control component built in and is recognized by retailers and foodservice providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management system.
